Sectional Elevation – Chaumont-sur-Loire International Garden Festival

Working within a short time frame, my group decided to delegate tasks to be more time-efficient. I was given the task of completing an elevation of the site, portraying the most significant part of our design.

I created the section, cutting through the centre of our design to show the levels and features we had implemented. We kept the site flat for accessibility, utilising tiered planting and hexagonal posts of varying sizes to create depth instead. The addition of a water feature that ran underneath the paving allowed aquatic plants to grow between the cracks, as well as offering visitors the opportunity to bend down and run their fingers through the water. We utilised a raised planter and willow wall to form an enclosed seating area, from which visitors could admire the water and planting, pausing to reflect within the peaceful space. I also used the section to portray the wildlife we hoped to attract, including bees and butterflies.

Idea 1

I have always found sketching quick sections of my site to be useful when formulating design ideas as it allows me to better understand the spatial and experiential qualities, as well as visualise the human engagement with the space. I began this exercise by drawing two rough sections that I felt could best capture our design, eventually choosing the one which showed the most interesting elements we had created. 

Idea 2


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