Who am I as a Designer? - A List of my Favourite Things


As part of our Cultural Context module we were asked to fill in our favourite things from a list provided by our lecturer. I have been tentative about doing this as I have to claim ignorance to some of the topics and say I simply do not know enough to have a favourite, and a quick google search is not going to inspire passion. However, as a designer we are constantly evolving and developing so I feel presenting an incomplete list will spur me to research and study these topics in hopes of broadening my knowledge and interests and improving as a designer. Below is a list of (some of) my favourite things:

Artist= Diane Whalley (My mum)

Graphic Designer=

Fashion Designer=

Garden Designer= Tom Stuart-Smith

Landscape Architect= James Corner

Inventor= Leonardo da Vinci

Architect= Zaha Hadid


Sweet= Refreshers

Musician/Band= Vukovi

Scientist= Marie Curie

Film Director= Russo Brothers

Author= Roald Dahl

Pasta shape= Fusilli

Horticulturist= Monty Don

Smell= Fresh flowers

Sound= Rain on a window

Taste= Fresh fruit

Plant/Flower= Sunflowers

Material= Slate

Texture= Anything smooth

Colour= Green

Typeface/ Font= Arial

Industrial or Product designer=

Garden or Park= Lost Gardens of Heligan

Art Gallery= Tate St Ives

Place on Earth= Polridmouth Beach

Fruit= Pear

Time of day= 10pm

Day of the year= Any of my friends’ or family members' birthdays

Shop= Etsy

Piece of music=

Piece of poetry or lyrics=

Book= The Pirate’s Daughter

Flavour of crisps= Salt and Vinegar

Coniferous tree= Spruce

Design Style/ Period= Memphis

Commercial Brand= Marvel Studios

Entrepreneur= Sarah Breedlove (Madam C. J. Walker)


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