Skillset Challenge


Recently, we were asked to complete a task that would test our workflow and skillset. The challenge was to use SketchUp and Photoshop to create a 40m x 20m enclosed garden, bound on all sides by a 2m high hedge, within a two hour time limit. The ground would be level and there would be a grid of six trees on each side, with all plant species chosen by the designer. We were instructed to create a series of views within SketchUp (axonometric, isometric, and three eye-level perspectives) before taking them into Photoshop to render.

I began first by making a mental plan, I decided I would use a simple, illustrative style, and would chose the planting to create interest at all heights. I chose Griselinia for the hedge, and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Boxhead and cone-shaped English Yew (Taxus baccata) for the trees. The Yew would add interest at ground level, whilst the hedge would provide colour at eye-level, and the Hornbeam would offer views upwards. 

Creating the model in SketchUp took the longest amount of time as I had to measure out the equal spacing of the trees, as well as learn how to create the cone shape, before formulating and exporting the views. I have to admit I was unsure about the difference between an axonometric and isometric so I simply used two high angles to capture the garden. For the perspectives, I chose a view as someone was walking through the entrance, one a couple steps later looking up at the Hornbeam, and the final looking at the Yew under the Hornbeam, capturing the interest at varying levels.

I coloured the drawings relatively quickly, hitting the halfway mark as I finished the third one. I chose a simple colour palette, utilising Photoshops select tool to block fill the shapes. 

I utilised very simple entourage to complement the simplistic style of the visuals, adding shadows to ground them within the space. This took longer than it could have as I chose to draw the people, based off imagery I found online. With my remaining time, I went through each drawing and added details to the planting, creating a more naturalistic look within the very rigid shapes. 

This task has been hugely beneficial, helping me hone my prioritisation and decision making skills. I am happy with the outcome - I would have liked the vegetation to look more organic and less rigid, with more varied colouring, but spending less time on these aspects allowed me to focus more on the people and fine details at the end. My timing for each stage was as follows:

0.30  – SketchUp model

0.37 – Formulated and exported views

0.55 – Coloured visual 1

0.58 – Coloured visual 2

1.01 – Coloured visual 3

1.04 – Coloured visual 4

1.07 – Coloured visual 5

1.44 – Entourage added

2.00 – Details added


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