Who am I as a Designer? - My Skillset

A skillset is ‘the range of developed skills and/or abilities that you have to complete a project’. Knowing and understanding my skillset as a landscape architect is hugely important to recognise where I am within my development and the steps I need to take to improve. For the following skillset, I have offered three skills that I currently have and three that I would like to enhance. These are all skills that I am aiming to work on and develop as I move into professional practice.

Survey skills that I have:

  • Observation
  • Data collection
  • Communication (verbal, visual and written)
Survey skills that I would like to improve:

  • Knowledge of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Confidence using equipment
  • Coding

Analysis skills that I have:

  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis
  • Communication (verbal, visual and written)
  • Strategic planning

Analysis skills that I would like to improve:

  • Critical analysis
  • Predictive modelling
  • Big data analysis

Design skills that I have:

  • Creativity
  • Visual communication (design software and hand-drawing)
  • Composition
Design skills that I would like to improve:

  • Confidence in verbal / written communication
  • Colour theory
  • Conceptual

Digital skills that I have:

  • Digital design
  • Written and visual communication
  • Data collection
Digital skills that I would like to improve:

  • Coding
  • Knowledge of Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Video presentation / communication

Thinking skills that I have:

  • Analytical
  • Creative
  • Problem solving
Thinking skills that I would like to improve:

  • Critical
  • Decision making
  • Abstract

Communication skills that I have:
  • Visual
  • Written
  • Verbal
Communication skills that I would like to improve:
  • Confidence
  • Verbal listening
  • Nonverbal


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