Reflection on Running a Blog

As this is my final post before my assignment submission, I want to reflect on running a blog and the impact it has had on my development as a landscape architect.

I have to admit, when we were first asked to run a blog as part of the assignment, I was very apprehensive, I don’t particularly enjoy written work and I was too narrow minded to see how it could be a constructive element of my degree. However, I have been pleasantly surprised. Spending time regularly reading and reflecting on different aspects of landscape architecture has broadened my mind on things that I may not have come across otherwise, as well as provided me with the opportunity to write about topics that interest and inspire me. I have begun to question myself more - my method, my attitude, my theory – it has helped me prepare for moving from education into professional practice. The blog has also encouraged me to draw more frequently, something I wasn’t able to do as much due to the demand of university and the feeling of guilt if I didn’t spend every waking moment doing work. However, as it has been part of an assignment, I have been able to set time aside with no guilt and I have really enjoyed having that time to be creative. Moreover, during a global pandemic when we cannot go into the studio, the blog has been a great opportunity to share my work with other students, as well as see theirs, and hear feedback and encouragement. The posts I have enjoyed writing the most have been my favourite landscapes, as it has motivated me to improve my own work and encouraged me to visit more places for inspiration. Also, the artist studies have allowed me to examine the theory and philosophy behind some well-accomplished landscapes architects and gain a better understanding of what it is like to be in practice.

Overall, I feel that running this blog has massively helped me improve and develop as a student of landscape architecture and has encouraged me feel a lot more confident about moving into practice. I do, however, wish that we had been given this task in our first year, as I feel I would have been a lot more assured within my work and I would have better understood the field that I was beginning my career within. I hope to carry on running this blog as there is so much more to learn about landscape architecture and everything that it encompasses.


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